The Impact of Gender Difference on Human Activity and Social Activity from the Perspective of Imamiyya and Wahhabism with the Focus on the Thoughts of Ayatollah Javadi Amoli and Benbaz

11 10 2022 771230 ID:
Writer: fatemeh raoofytabar ,mahdy farmanian
Gender differences classify the human race into two major classes, men and women. all the differences, men and women fall under the same category. Caused. Some consider being a man as a kind of human perfection and believe that a woman can not be considered a perfect human being due to her type of creation and gender, and her social activity is the only obstacle to the transcendence of man. In contrast, Islamic thinkers believe that the criterion in human value, piety, and both men and women can achieve human perfection, and society needs the presence of women. Both ideas have representatives in Islamic knowledge, but what is necessary is to determine the original Islamic view, and this will not be possible except by presenting these two views on verses and traditions. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of gender differences on human actuality and social activity from the perspective of Imamism and Wahhabism with the focus on the ideas of Ayatollah Javadi and Bonbaz, which has been written by the method of adaptation and analysis. Accordingly, Ibn Baz in Wahhabism is one of those who, believing in the lack of intellect and faith of women, make human actuality unresponsive and deter it from the presence of society under the pretext of mixing. Pious men and women can go through the stages of self-actualization without any discrimination. Social activity is also permissible for women, in accordance with Islamic limits, and in some cases, it is necessary.