The future of the world from the point of view of Islam

12 06 2022 631193 ID:
Writer: ayatollah javadi amoli
In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful and the Most Merciful To explain the future of the world from the point of view of Islam, it is necessary to pay attention to the principles of worldview from the Islamic point of view. In this way, some of the general rules of cosmology in the school of religion are mentioned; so that its results are known and the new world order is well understood, and an eloquent effort has been made to establish it so that global arrogance does not harbor crude illusions. First. The creation of the world has a purpose, there is no nonsense in it; ﴿ And we created the heavens and the earth, and we created them in vain...﴾ [1] And the goal of everything is the perfection appropriate to that object, and the existential perfection of the world of creation, indeed, reaching the highest position of being and getting rid of relative defects and comparative defects and reaching Wholeness and health. The inconsistency of oppression with the world of creation and its contradiction with the purpose of creation Second. Oppression is like a harmful poison that is incompatible with the digestive system of the world of creation, it becomes the cause of its destruction, and because it is inconsistent with the internal system of the world of creation, it also conflicts with the purpose of creation, it always prevents the achievement of the goal; ﴿The dawn of incorruption in the mountains and the sea, with what the hands of people have earned... ﴾ [2], ﴿And if you follow the truth of their desires, you will corrupt the heavens and the earth, and I will... ﴾.[3] Third. Man is a privileged creature who was created with a special purpose and has never been vain or vain, excessive and futile have not entered the sanctuary of his creation, he is not void or abandoned; ﴿I think that man does not leave a barrier﴾ [4], ﴿I have judged you, but I have created you in vain, and I will not return to you﴾.[5] Fourth. Oppression and encroachment on the rights of others, as it is a bright flame that is not suitable for the perfection of man, is always an obstacle for him to reach the purpose of creation and without avoiding any kind of individual and collective oppression, whether in the form of tyranny, whether in the form of exploitation or The method of colonization, which includes the sides of this ominous triangle, is indeed enslavement and enslaving others, will not be possible. the fifth Human life is a collective life, whether the society has a separate existence from the existence of individuals who are a few or whether the society does not have a separate and independent existence, but its existence is the social dignity of each person that was created along with his individual dignity; As another group is of this opinion; Therefore, the good of each individual should be sought in the competence of the collective life of the society; Because although it is possible for a person to live cleanly in a polluted society or for a person to be infected with pollution in a clean society, it is not possible to obtain a general and comprehensive judgment with rare cases. the sixth It is not possible to provide the collective life of society without a government system; That is, without a single law and a single leadership, and without everyone's acceptance of a comprehensive law and a single leadership, either social life is not possible at all or it does not reach the desired perfection. Even if it is a council, it is an ideal barrier to the government system. Society needs a law and a pious leader the seventh Compilation of a comprehensive law by a specific person or a specific group never guarantees the interests of all classes and societies; Because every person or group either only wants their own profit or is unable to recognize the profit and loss of others; As the leadership of a person who only has a public face, does not enjoy divine approval or is not a true heir of the divine school, he is not the guarantor of the interests of all people; rather, in political and social trends and tensions, he prefers the interests of the special class over the interests of others; Therefore, there is no choice but to provide two genuine political and social pillars; First, free law and second, free leader. And the law that is free from wrong and unfair discrimination is indeed the law of God, and the free leader is indeed a pious person who is freed from the bondage of gangs, freed from the border of freedom and oppression. Eighth. The world of creation has not witnessed such a government system so far, human societies have not reached the ideal society; That is, it has not reached the goal of its creation, although the right wayfarers have made many sacrifices and special classes have reached the peak of sacrifice, they have achieved their perfection, but the general goal of creation has not been achieved. Of course, they have provided suitable grounds for the final goal and in this sense, they have fulfilled their divine missions. ninth. According to the aforementioned principles, Islam promises that the government of the earth and the future time will be in the hands of the worshipers free from any vices; So that the tyranny of the oppressors is ended, the surface of the earth is cleansed from the corruption of the oppressors, the deprived class is freed from poverty, and the gluttony of the wealthy is forgotten; ﴿ And do not see that the blessings of those who are weak on earth and do not make them Imams and do not make them inheritors﴾ [6], ﴿... that the earth is the inheritors of the worshipers of the righteous﴾.[7] the tenth The plan of the righteous government is to revive the oppressed and oppressed land, and to save it from any transgression and rebellion, and to reform it to spread equity and justice, and since the most important factor in getting rid of the dominion of Satan and the slavery of lust, it is to create the spirit of God's servitude in the individual. And it is the society, Islam describes the duty of the righteous inheritors of the earth as follows: ﴿Those who are not in the land, establish prayer, and give alms, and command the good, and refrain from the evil, and to God is the end of affairs﴾.[8] Therefore, the result of the divine attitude towards the world of creation is to be optimistic about the future and to fight against any oppression and to provide the ground for world peace and to believe in the high goal of humanity and to be saved from any kind of despair and hopelessness and progress atomic weapons and star wars, resisting and waiting for the free global reformer and not withholding any sacrifice and sacrifice at the time of his appearance, and for the establishment of the government of that perfect human being and God's caliph on earth, doing jihad and ijtihad and the bitter taste of Tahidistan with The overthrow of the wealthy will sweeten and end up pleasing the creator of the world by adjusting the human system. May that day be prosperous and waiting for the victory of justice over oppression and the waving of the flag of Qast above every palace and hut! Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds Javadi Ameli [1] Surah S, verse 27. [2] Surah Rum, verse 41. [3] - Surah Mominun, verse 71. [4] Surah Qayamat, verse 36.