Intellectual Sciences Research Institute



Name of God


Research Institute of Intellectual Sciences is one of the research institutes under the Maaraj Research Institute of Revelation. This research institute was established according to the requirements of the contemporary society and with the approach of satisfying the needs of the audience in the field of intellectual sciences, and its main research activities are based on the optimal use of new tools and technologies and the increase of scientific capabilities in response to needs and expectations. The audience is placed. By organizing its research areas in the form of long-term and short-term goals and policies, this research institute aims to introduce and increase the power of Islamic knowledge and direct them towards objective and real needs, focusing on thoughts and opinions. Hakim Mutala, Ayatollah Javadi Amoli - blessed be he - should take a fundamental step. It is also trying to respect the researches and achievements of the past, and look at the excellence and progress of intellectual sciences in the field of mysticism and ethics, as well as pure Islamic words and wisdom and human sciences in order to meet the necessary needs of religious organizations and research centers. be

1. Explaining the foundations and infrastructures as well as the theoretical and rational frameworks of religious sciences.
2. Compilation and arrangement of the philosophical, mystical, theological and moral works and thoughts of Master "Madzaleh".
3. Explanation and introduction of intellectual mashreb and special scientific views of His Holiness.
4. Research on new topics and issues of intellectual sciences with emphasis on their foundations and thoughts.
5. Publishing the teachings of the Qur'an and Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) using pure intellectual sciences.
6. Making religious education understandable according to the conditions and requirements of the Islamic society and the contemporary world with reference to the rational method.
7. Organized logical and rational defense of religious teachings according to the diverse levels and needs of the audience.
8. Proving the effectiveness of religion in different social and cultural fields.
Big tasks

1. Identifying the needs and challenges facing the society, and planning for appropriate and timely response.
2. Identifying, attracting and training capable researchers and supporting academic and academic elites in order to provide a basis for scientific and research activities.
3. Preparing scientific resources and studies to facilitate research in the field of intellectual sciences.
4. Active interaction with organizations, institutions, personalities, scientific and cultural elites and internal and external scientific and research institutes and centers to improve the scientific level of research.
5. Systematic explanation of religious teachings and propositions for different levels.
6. Research about intellectual and religious currents influencing the Islamic world and the contemporary world and innovation in the expression of Islamic teachings and knowledge according to the needs of Islamic societies.
8. Research in the field of methods of intellectual upliftment and spiritual upliftment of different strata of society.
Philosophy Department:
The activities of this group are focused on compiling and organizing the works and philosophical thoughts of Hazrat Master "Madzaleh", especially the description of Asfar (Rahiq Makhtoum), the description of the Theology of Healing, the description of the Evidences of Al-Rubabiyyah, the description of the End of Hikma, as well as the explanation and introduction of the intellectual and scientific mashrabs of His Holiness. is. Also, one of the other programs of this group is research on new philosophical issues with reference to his foundations and thoughts.
Irfan Group:
The activities of the Irfan group are focused on the compilation and organization of the mystical works and thoughts of Hazrat Ustad "Madzaleh", especially the commentary on the "Fusus al-Hakam", the commentary on "Iqaaz al-Na'imin", the writing of Risal al-Walayeh, etc.
One of the other activities of this group is extracting "special mystical views of Ayatollah Javadi Amoli" by consulting with his students.
Also, the organization of scientific lectures on the topics of "Mysticism and Art", "Mysticism and Religion" and "Compatibility of Evidence, Mysticism and the Qur'an" are among other programs worth mentioning.
Ethics group:
The group of ethics was established with the aim of explaining and organizing the ethical topics of the professor and also the philosophy of ethics from the perspective of His Holiness, and he is currently compiling and authoring the book on the philosophy of ethics and also organizing the lesson of his moral discourses, which, God willing, will not be too long in the future. The round will be offered to the scientific community.
Kalam group:
The main goal of the Kalam group is to explain and explain the theological theories and innovations of Hazrat Ostad, which are presented in various topics of theology such as reason and faith, science and religion, religious experience, revelation and other topics.
Also, dealing with religious issues and answering the problems and doubts related to it is one of the goals t

hat this group seeks to achieve in the short term.

Head of the Research Institute of Intellectual Sciences:
Hojjat al-Islam wal-Muslimin Reza Melai

Academic members of the Institute of Intellectual Sciences:
Hojjat al-Islam wal-Muslimin Mr. Mohammad Reza Mostafapour, Mr. Mehdi Sadfi, Mr. Hossamuddin Sharifi, Mr. Hossein Alimohammadi, Mr. Ruhollah Suri, Mr. Dawood Madghaq, Mr. Seyyed Mohammad Tabatabaipour